Dads… how to handle the sleepless nights - Babysense

Dads… how to handle the sleepless nights

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Tips to make it through the tough days and nights of no sleep...

I'm tired too......

Okay, so I didn't give birth or spend any of the 9 months carrying a water melon sized belly around with me but I'm still shattered. I have fetched and carried, tied shoe laces and cut toe nails for a beautiful woman who is going to give me a great why can I not be tired too. I have been told that until I breast feed 5 times during the night I am not to say the word tired!!!! Well, I say I not the guy who worries and carries the heavy cases and gets the 2 year old bathed, dressed and to bed every evening and wakes for his snotty nose at 3 or 4 in the morning whilst also being woken when the baby cries at 10........ 12 ......... 2........... 4............. and again at 6. I am even nudged at 2am to “please change the baby..........” So what tips can I pass on to you: the unsuspecting Dad? This is my way to make it through the tough days and nights of no sleep.......
  1. Headache tablets.....keep them handy. You will have headaches due to lack of sleep.
  2. Get nappies, bum cream, wet wipes/cotton wool, water, baby grow and all other essentials near to you for night wakings, so that you do not have to turn the lights on and burn your retina and more importantly can get back to sleep before you are too fully awake.
  3. Keep the light low and don't talk to anything or anyone............You will pay the price if you do.
  4. Keep warm (on the wintery nights) the cold seems to wake you up.
  5. Cat naps....even of 5 minutes on the toilet.....lock the door no one can get to you!!!!!!!
  6. Go to bed early..... don't be a hero.........
  7. Give her a helping hand......... offer drinks or a snack, it could help you to get more sleep.
  8. Alternate duties on a Saturday so you can sleep in.
Relax and enjoy.........This will not last forever...............just take it one step at a time. Good night and sleep well! By Meg Faure

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