The Baby Sense brand is embarking on a new journey and introducing a new exciting look.
At Baby Sense we understand all about pregnancy and parenting; from a mother’s uncertainties and frustrations to the love and joy of being parents. That’s why everything we do is focused on supporting you on this journey.
Our team is constantly on the lookout for new products and innovative ideas that will help make every moment you have with your baby a special one. Our simple, intuitive designs are inspired by wonderful moms and dads, and have been perfected over many years. The result: beautiful, practical and well-researched quality products that parents have come to trust and rely on.
Just like your baby is changing and growing every day, Baby Sense has also quietly been changing and improving. At the core, we are still the same brand that you’ve come to love and trust, just with a new look, logo and website. As we continue to evolve, look out for exciting new products and enhancements on our most trusted ones.
We will still offer a comprehensive range of award winning baby products, parenting books, seminars and workshops, apps, videos, newsletters, blog posts and articles. We have also introduced live chat sessions on Facebook #momsense, giving you an opportunity to make sense of it all by having all your questions answered by South Africa’s most loved experts.
Join us on this exciting journey as we help guide you each step of the way from pregnancy to parenting.